
Scalloped Edge Action

Here is another useful time saving action that you will be able use over and over again.
Creating a quick scalloped edge on any shape or text is as easy as pressing the play button…..
This action creates a total of 5 different sized scalloped edges. Use 4 of the actions to create a different sized scalloped edges on any shape. Then, it creates an even smaller edge to use on your text. This wonderful action allows you to choose any color, gradient or pattern to fill your shape or text. The action uses 5 different brushes settings to create the scalloped edge which are also provided in order for the action function properly.

Blogger news

Baseball Action Bundle
Batter Up!!!! There are 5 baseball item within this one action. Do you have a favorite team color? Well on the jersey and cap you can choose your favorite teams colors. Use these versatile actions over and over again year after year. As always, this action is very user friendly… just load and play! The only thing you need to do is to decide which baseball item you want use...
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